October - Amazed - Week 2



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Printable sermon notes for big kids who also watch the sermon: HERE

Study at Home

  1. Get your Child a snack or choose a fun prep activity

  2. Read the Bible Story to your child.

  3. Click on the link to the YouTube Playlist for that week and watch the videos

  4. Review Memory work and Pray with your kids when they are done

  5. Click on the links to the Kahoot Games for the week. 

  6. If you have time or the desire - choose one of the follow up activities to help the kids engage with the lesson

Lesson Overview

Elijah and the Prophets of Baal: I Kings 18; (Philippians 4:19)

The BIG Idea: It's amazing! God knows what's best for me.

  • Elijah was someone who really, really loved God. But not everyone loved God. There was a king named King Ahab and he was mean and didn't obey God.

    1. Can you show me a mean face? Yes, that was King Ahab! King Ahab and the people of Israel prayed to a great, big statue they called, Baal. Baal wasn't God. Baal wasn't real at all. It was just a big statue.

    2. Do you think anything happens when you pray to a statue? No! That's silly.

    3. Do you think anything happens when we pray to God? Yes! God hears us and God answers our prayers.

    4. One day, King Ahab and Elijah decided to have a contest to see whose God was the real and true God.

    5. They both built an altar. It kind of looks like a big fire pit made with stones and wood. They put uncooked meat on the top. Then, King Ahab's people prayed to Baal to light the fire. They prayed from morning until night. They prayed and prayed and prayed. And nothing happened. Then, it was Elijah's turn. Let's read what happens in our Bible.

    6. Read 1 Kings 18:33-39.

      • TODDLER HACK: Simplify the story and use story cards (like these). For example: Elijah loved God (card 30), King Ahab did not obey God (card 14), Elijah built an altar (card 27), Elijah covered it with water (card 28) and prayed to God to send fire! And God did! (card 31) Everyone believed in the one true God. (Card 35)

    7. Wow! That was amazing! Elijah told them to pour water all over the wood. Does wood catch fire when its soaking wet? No. Water stops things from catching on fire. But Elijah prayed to God and a fire came down from the sky and burned everything up! Just as Elijah knew it would.

    8. God knew what Elijah needed, and God knew what the people needed to see in order to believe God was the one, true God. Isn't that amazing?

    9. God knew what was best for them, and God knows what's best for us, too!



This month, we are going through the major events in the life of prophet Elijah, all of which are nothing short of amazing! Elijah’s ministry took place during turbulent times for God’s people – so much so that Elijah felt utterly alone at times. Sometimes he was literally alone. But God’s presence and power with Elijah throughout those times are undeniable. Through these stories, kids will discover how amazing it is that God takes care of us, God knows what’s best for us, God speaks to us, and all in all, God does SO MANY amazing things! 


Memory Work Video