Restore Kids: Sunday Classes

Your children are going to love Restore Kids! Restore Kids Classes meet year round during the Sunday morning worship service and give parents the opportunity to worship God and participate free of distractions. We want to make sure that every child who comes to Restore is safe, has a great time, and learns about Jesus. Each week trusted teachers care for and teach our children. Our goal is to build a foundation of Biblical truths in their lives. Our children's programs start with age-appropriate lessons and worship time, as well as games and activities to encourage community. As children grow older, we gradually introduce them to the main church service to encourage their active participation. 

Childcare is offered during worship service for ages birth - 1st grade. Classrooms are broken up by age and grade to ensure that each child can play and learn with other children who have similar interests and abilities.

Children's ministry curriculum is taught during all our worship services for children age 2 and above. We have chosen an educationally and developmentally appropriate curriculum for children in each age group. While we don’t have a formal curriculum for our Babies and Waddlers room, they are still able to play, snuggle, or sleep in our comfy space, separate from the activity of the other classrooms.

Children’s programs During Service

INFANTS and Waddlers

(BIRTH - 18 months)

Located in our children’s wing next to to the toddler classroom, the nursery has a stream of the service so that volunteers are able to take care of the babies & waddlers without missing the service.

This space is equipped with rocking chairs, changing tables, infant swings, and entertainers, as well as age-appropriate toys for infants who are starting to become more mobile.

A mother’s nursing area is also available located just around the corner from the Waddler Classroom. This quiet area for nursing has rocking chairs and a changing table with diapering supplies. During service, we respectfully ask that no men enter into the Nursing Mother's room.

Toddler / Pre-K Class

(19months - 5 years)

The Seedlings class opens at 10:45. At this time, children can check in and enjoy games and activities designed to help them get to know the other children and feel comfortable in the classroom.

A toddler class is offered for young children ages 1.5 through 5yrs. This room is perfectly designed for this age group, filled with age-appropriate toys, music, games, pretend play, and seating.

Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

The Sprouts class opens at 10:45. At this time, children can check in and enjoy games and activities designed to help them get to know the other children and feel comfortable in the classroom.

During class time the kids will enjoy games, activities, and a short lesson. Each month your child will work in class to learn a memory verse. Once they memorize their verse they can visit our check-in desk for a special prize.

3rd Grade and Up

All kids in 3rd grade and above are sitting in our main worship service with their families! The exception to this is our once-a-month “Rooted” class that meets after announcements.

Our services are “kid-friendly” and designed to equip families to worship together.

Each week you will find “Sermon Bags” located in the upstairs hall outside the gym doors. The purpose of these bags is to help facilitate the transition from full-time “kids church” to full participation in “big church”.  The bags are here to help children engage with the sermon in age-appropriate ways. Our hope is for parents to guide their children in utilizing the bags helping them stay focused during the sermon.

Each bag will have:

  • A flier with ideas for kids on how to engage with the sermon

  • Pens or Pencils

  • Colored Pencils or Crayons

  • An age-appropriate Sermon Notes page (refreshed each week) 

  • A kid's bulletin that corresponds with the sermon

  • A coloring page  (refreshed each week) 

  • A new "treat" such as a starburst candy or mint (parents can choose to opt-out or bring their own) 

  • They may find that fidget toys, a ticket to win a prize from the prize box, a note from the children’s director, or other fun surprises.

  • Older kids will get mini notebooks to help facilitate note-taking 

After the service, kids can meet our Children’s Director downstairs at check-in to discuss the sermon and turn in what they worked on for a prize.