July 11 - BLAST OFF - Week 2


We’re so excited that you stopped over to see what’s happening in kids ministry! Each week we’ll have all information and links you need to stay up-to-date right here in one convenient place.

We have options for you to work through the lesson with your family or set your kids up to watch one of our virtual lessons.

What we’re studying this month

the JULY Bible Challenge

BIG PRIZE - Fills in Catechism Page and can recite the beginner version of the Q&A

BIG PRIZE - Can recite this month’s memory verse.

ONE STARBURST - Anyone who turns in SERMON NOTES

ONE STARBURST - Anyone who turns in COLORING PAGE (age 6 and under only)

ONE STARBURST AND ONE SMALL PRIZE - Complete the study questions from the lesson



When we think about the Israelites in the wilderness, we often think of it as a time of disappointment, suffering, and promises deferred. What we often forget is that God was there even in the wilderness, reminding the Israelites of God’s goodness and faithfulness. No matter their present circumstances, the people experienced that God was with them, and moved people like Joshua, Caleb, and Rahab to take incredible leaps of faith! Through the amazing accounts of Israel’s journey during that time, your kids will also come to realize that they can: spend time with God anywhere, trust God, take risks for God, and remember what God has done for us.


How to Study at Home

  1. Get your Child a snack

  2. Read the Bible Story to your child and/or

  3. Click on the link to the YouTube Playlist for that week and watch the videos.

  4. Review Memory work and Pray with your kids when they are done

  5. If you have time or the desire - choose one of the follow-up activities to help the kids engage with the lesson


    Weekly Lesson Plan

Last time, we found out that we can spend time with God. Today, we will hear about a man who really, really wanted to spend time with God, but he couldn't because he was paralyzed. (Paralyzed means he couldn't walk!)

The paralyzed man in today's Bible Story needed friends to help him meet Jesus. And we will soon see that he had four very good friends... just like you! 

BIBLE STORY | A Paralyzed Man is Brought to Jesus

  • In this Bible story, the paralyzed man needed to get to Jesus, but he couldn’t get there on his own. He needed his friends to help him get there.

  • The man's friends carried him to Jesus, but the place was so busy that they couldn't get inside. So they took him up to the roof!

  • The friends lowered the man down in front of Jesus. And Jesus healed him! The man could walk now!

  • Just like the man in this story, we have people we know that help us get closer to Jesus. They can pray for us and show us God's love.

  • Just like the four friends, you can help your friends get closer to Jesus by praying for them and showing them God's love.

  • Jesus healed the paralyzed man and he could walk again! But he also forgave the man of the things he did wrong in the past. Things you do that God doesn't want us to do are called "sins."

  • Isn't God amazing? God can heal us when we are sick, and forgive us when we sin! And we can get to know God more through other people who love God!


  • Why couldn't the man get to Jesus on his own?

  • How did the man get to Jesus?

  • What did Jesus say to the man?

  • What happened to the man after he met Jesus?

 Apply it to your life 

  1. Tell us about one of your good friends. What do you like to do with them?

  2. Tell us about a time when you needed help from a friend. What did your friend do to help you?

  3. If you were the man on the mat, how would you have felt when your friends brought you to Jesus?

  4. How can you help your friends this week?


Dear God, thank you for our family, our friends, all the people in our lives who help us know you. Help us to notice the people who need our help, too!


Psalm 119:105 (NIV)- Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.