March 28- Level Up - Week 4



We’re so excited that you stopped over to see what’s happening in kids ministry! Each week we’ll have all information and links you need to stay up-to-date right here in one convenient place.

We have options for you to work through the lesson with your family or set your kids up to watch one of our virtual lessons.

What we’re studying this month


Video games are something today’s kids are familiar with. . . maybe even too familiar! Games are played on every platform from game consoles to handheld devices/phones, and there are a ton of different games to choose from. But the constant across this diverse gaming universe is that every game has levels of increasing difficulty. When a player “levels up,” they are usually met with more challenges but also with more rewards. Through this series, we are challenging kids to “level up” their faith by examining the events surrounding Jesus’ death and resurrection. Even though they might be facing difficulties and adversity of their own, kids will find the greatest rewards in their faith when they fix their eyes on Jesus. Because Jesus trusted God, Jesus beat death! When we doubt and have questions about God, Jesus helps me believe, and even during those times, Jesus is always with me.


How to Study at Home

  1. Get your Child a snack

  2. Read the Bible Story to your child and/or

  3. Click on the link to the YouTube Playlist for that week and watch the videos. Lessons each week brought to you by our Children’s Director Melissa. “in-person” lessons complete with worship music, videos, games, memory work, and more.

  4. Review Memory work and Pray with your kids when they are done

  5. If you have time or the desire - choose one of the follow-up activities to help the kids engage with the lesson

Weekly Lesson Plan -

INSTRUCTIONS: Look up the story in your Bible. See if your kids can guess the Big Idea.

THE BIBLE: The Road to Emmaus: Luke 24:13-35

BIG IDEA: Jesus is always with me.

INSTRUCTIONS: Enlist someone with the gift of storytelling to tell the story. The storyteller can be dressed in a Biblical costume, or just use a walking stick as a prop.

  • Hi there, kids. My name is Cleopas and I want to tell you about the most exciting thing that happened to my friend and me. You see, we were walking along the road, heading to the town named Emmaus. We were sad because we missed Jesus.

  • Suddenly, a stranger started walking next to us. "What are you talking about?" the stranger asked us. My friend and I were so surprised. Everyone was talking about Jesus these days! How could this stranger not know?

  • So, my friend and I told the stranger all about Jesus. We told the stranger about all the wonderful things Jesus had done and all the things Jesus had taught us. But sadly, some people didn't like what Jesus was teaching so they punished Jesus –even though Jesus didn't do anything wrong! They put Jesus on a cross and then, Jesus died. A few days later, some of our friends went to visit where Jesus' body was... but Jesus wasn't there! But an angel was there, and told my friends that Jesus is alive. More of our friends went back to the tomb and found the same thing — Jesus was gone!

  • We had just finished telling the story when we arrived at our final stop: Emmaus. It was getting dark so we invited the stranger, our new friend, to stay with us. When we arrived at the place we were staying and sat down to eat, the stranger took the bread, broke it in half, and blessed it. Suddenly, we knew who the stranger was! This stranger, who had been walking and talking with us, was none other than our old friend, Jesus! And then Jesus disappeared. My friend and I were so amazed! It was really Jesus! And guess what? Jesus is never truly gone — Jesus is always with us!

Additional SCRIPTURE| Psalm 139:7-10

INSTRUCTIONS: Read Psalm 139:7-10.

  • Where can we go where Jesus can't find us? That's right — nowhere! This Bible verse tells us that no matter where we go, Jesus is always with us.

  • What does verse 10 mean? Did you know the phrase, "right hand" appears more than a hundred times in the Bible? Because most people are right-handed, the right hand usually is stronger and more skilled. So, the verse tells us God's strength and power are with us always, and that we are important to God!


Toddler Tips: A toddler needs may have trouble understanding the concept of prayer because they cannot see God. Echo Prayer is a good strategy to encourage and teach kids how to talk to God. The teacher or parent speaks aloud a short segment of the prayer, and the children echo back the same sentence or phrase.

Jesus, thank You so much for reminding us each and every day that You are always with us and will never leave us.