March 7 - Level Up - Week 1



We’re so excited that you stopped over to see what’s happening in kids ministry! Each week we’ll have all information and links you need to stay up-to-date right here in one convenient place.

We have options for you to work through the lesson with your family or set your kids up to watch one of our virtual lessons.

What we’re studying this month


Video games are something today’s kids are familiar with. . . maybe even too familiar! Games are played on every platform from game consoles to handheld devices/phones, and there are a ton of different games to choose from. But the constant across this diverse gaming universe is that every game has levels of increasing difficulty. When a player “levels up,” they are usually met with more challenges but also with more rewards. Through this series, we are challenging kids to “level up” their faith by examining the events surrounding Jesus’ death and resurrection. Even though they might be facing difficulties and adversity of their own, kids will find the greatest rewards in their faith when they fix their eyes on Jesus. Because Jesus trusted God, Jesus beat death! When we doubt and have questions about God, Jesus helps me believe, and even during those times, Jesus is always with me.


How to Study at Home

  1. Get your Child a snack

  2. Read the Bible Story to your child and/or

  3. Click on the link to the YouTube Playlist for that week and watch the videos. Lessons each week brought to you by our Children’s Director Melissa. “in-person” lessons complete with worship music, videos, games, memory work, and more.

  4. Review Memory work and Pray with your kids when they are done

  5. If you have time or the desire - choose one of the follow-up activities to help the kids engage with the lesson

Weekly Lesson Plan -

INSTRUCTIONS: Look up the story in your Bible. See if your kids can guess the Big Idea. Read Matthew 26:36-46 slowly and with expression, encouraging the kids to imagine the scene.

THE BIBLE: The Garden of Gethsemane: Matthew 26:36-46; (Psalm 28:7a)

BIG IDEA: Jesus trusted God.

Today, we are going to talk about a time when Jesus went into the garden to spend time with God. Jesus was going to do something really hard — the hardest thing ever. But Jesus trusted God. That is this week's Big Idea: Jesus trusted God.

  • How many times did Jesus pray? Jesus prayed three times because Jesus was about to do something really hard. Can you count with me? One, two, three (Ask the kids to count along on their fingers).

  • What did Jesus' friends do while Jesus was praying? That's right! They were sleeping! Show me how you sleep (Ask kids to pretend to sleep).

  • How do you think Jesus felt while praying? Jesus was probably very sad. How do you look when you are sad (Ask everyone to make a sad face)?

  • Jesus had a hard choice to make. But Jesus trusted God.

Additional SCRIPTURE | Psalm 28:7a

INSTRUCTIONS: Read Psalm 28:7a together.

  • This passage says God is both our strength and our shield. To remember this, let's try adding some motions: Strength (flex your biceps with both arms) and shield (fold in fisted arms in front of you so they are parallel to each other and cover you).

  • What is strength? It means power to help you overcome challenges.

  • What is a shield? It is something that protects you and defends you from harm.

  • In the story we heard today, Jesus prayed, asking if there was another way, but Jesus also prayed each time for God's will to be done. Jesus knew God would give Him strength. Jesus also knew God would be like a shield. Jesus trusted God and knew God would help Him face this difficult challenge.

ACTIVITY |Coloring page

INSTRUCTIONS: Use this time while the kids color to remind them of today's Bible story, the Big Idea, and the memory verse.

REFLECTION |Pressed for a Purpose

INSTRUCTIONS: Ask the kids to pause and reflect on what they learned so far.

  • Let's think back to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus was "pressed," meaning Jesus was pushed to the limit of how much He could handle. It was during this time that Jesus became more and more determined to carry out God's plan, even though it was going to cost Jesus everything.

  • What are some ways we are also "pressed"? They can be anything, from having to practice an instrument or a sport over and over again, or finding a way to be kind to someone who annoys you or is mean to you. When you are in the middle of it, it's hard to see where you're headed – like when you had to walk with a blindfold. But when you trust God just like Jesus did, God will show you how to understand the challenging things. And we will find out we were pressed for a purpose.


Toddler Tips: A toddler needs may have trouble understanding the concept of prayer because they cannot see God. Echo Prayer is a good strategy to encourage and teach kids how to talk to God. The teacher or parent speaks aloud a short segment of the prayer, and the children echo back the same sentence or phrase.

Dear God, help us to trust You just like Jesus did. Amen.