November- SING - week 1



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Printable sermon notes for big kids who also watch the sermon: HERE

Study at Home

  1. Get your Child a snack or choose a fun prep activity

  2. Read the Bible Story to your child.

  3. Click on the link to the YouTube Playlist for that week and watch the videos

  4. Review Memory work and Pray with your kids when they are done

  5. If you have time or the desire - choose one of the follow up activities to help the kids engage with the lesson



This week’s Psalm is about how uniquely God made each of us.

THE BIG IDEA: I am wonderful because God made me.
THE BIBLE: Psalm 139; Psalm 104:24

Look up Psalm 139 :1-6, 14 in your Bible and read it to the kids.
Well, that’s interesting! This Bible passage tells us God knows when you are sitting down! Do you think God knows you are all sitting down right now? Yes, God does!
Now, stand up. Does God know you are all standing up? Yes, God knows that, too! Now, lie down. Does God know you are lying down? Yep! God knows that, too! Everyone can sit back up now.
God knows everything we do because God made each of us. Verse 14 says we are each wonderfully made by God!
I am wonderful because God made me! You are wonderful because God made you!

ACTIVITY | Fingerprints

INSTRUCTIONS: Tell each kid to put their thumb on an ink pad and then press their thumb down onto a piece of paper. Using magnifying glasses, lead the kids to compare their thumbprints and discover that each one is unique.

#TODDLERHACK: Instead of finger prints, have a large sheet of craft paper rolled on the ground or on a table. With crayons, trace around everyone’s hands. Talk about all the things we can do with our hands. Say, “We are all wonderfully made by God.”

Did you know no one in the whole entire world has the same fingerprint as you? God gave every single person their own set of fingerprints that is different from every single other person.
Our fingerprints are great reminders that God loves us. You are wonderful because God made you!


Thank You, God, for making me and all my friends. You made each of us exactly how You want us to be. Help us to love ourselves and our uniqueness and remind us we are each wonderfully made!



People say music is the universal language, something everyone loves in one form or another, and a way we can communicate shared emotion and experience even across generations, culture, location, backgrounds, and traditions. Much of what is expressed in the book of Psalm are things we experience and feel today. Because of that, we can learn a lot about God and ourselves in these Psalms. When kids can claim these five things – I am wonderful because God made me; I am safe because God watches over me; I am confident because God leads me; I am forgiven because God loves me; I am not afraid because God can be trusted – they will be unstoppable in their life with God!


Memory Work Video