We’re so excited that you stopped over to see what’s happening in kids ministry! Each week we’ll have all information and links you need to stay up-to-date right here in one convenient place.
At Home Lessons
Get your Child a snack or choose a fun prep activity
Read the Bible Story to your child.
Click on the link to the YouTube Playlist for that week and watch the videos
Review Memory work and Pray with your kids when they are done
Click on the links to the Kahoot Games for the week.
If you have time or the desire - choose one of the follow up activities to help the kids engage with the lesson
Weekly Email Updates: HERE
Lesson Links:
📺 Week 1- Youtube Playlist
🏡 Week 1 - At home Lesson
Elementary: Here
PreK: Here
Kahoot Games:
Lesson Questions Game: HERE
Other LInks
📝Printable sermon notes for big kids who also watch the sermon: HERE
RestoreKids YouTube Channel: HERE
Memory Work Video
Monthly Elementary Parent Guide
Monthly PreK Parent Guide
Printable Coloring Page
A lot of parents and kids alike focus more heavily on gleaning academic knowledge and gaining meaningful experiences, but teaching our kids to pursue wisdom will help them merge those fields and develop better, God-centered decision-making skills. Kids are placed in plenty of situations where they would need to exercise such discernment. While the wisdom they would need on a daily basis may not be on the scale of Solomon deliberating an argument between two women each claiming to be the rightful mother of a baby, kids will still collect valuable insight about wisdom from such stories. They will first determine wisdom comes from God, and that being wise also has a lot to do with saying the right words and asking the right questions. . . all of which we can ask of God, who will give them to us because God can be trusted.
Memory Work Video
📝Printable sermon notes for big kids
If you have older kids at home who are watching the Livestream service with you we HIGHLY recommend using our printable sermon notes to help them stay engaged and follow along. After the service take a few minutes to review the notes page with your child.