BRAVE - Week 1



We’re so excited that you stopped over to see what’s happening in kids ministry! Each week we’ll have all information and links you need to stay up-to-date right here in one convenient place.

New Lesson Format for August

We’re doing things a little differently this month. It’s fun to change things up, right? 

I REALLY hope that you will enjoy engaging in the lesson with your kids not only on Sunday but during the week as well, through games, contests, and additional lesson videos. 

We will still have at least 15-20 minutes of streaming content available each Sunday so if you were using our kids' lesson to distract the kids while you listen to Pastor Jeremy’s sermon you can still do that.  

Here is the rundown of how to get your kids set for the lesson and how each week will look.



Use as much or as little of the materiel below to help your child engage with the Bible story. Adding extra elements helps children further connect with what they are learning, so if you have the time and energy I suggest choosing at least two of the activities to do with your child. 

Steps for a successful lesson:

You can use 🏡 Week 1 - At home Lesson (Hyperlinks included!) to help walk you through all of these steps in conjunction with the links below.

  1. Read the Bible Story to your child.

  2. Click on the link to the YouTube Playlist for that week

    1. The playlist will play a lesson introduction, a worship song, the PreK teaching video (which is fun for older kids to watch too), the elementary video, and finish with a worship song. 

  3. Review Memory Work and pray with your child

  4. Click on the links to the Kahoot Games for the week. 

    1. The Contest ends Wednesday of each week so you’ll have a couple of days to finish if you need to.

    2. You’ll be competing against all of our friends at RestoreKids. We’ll announce the results at the end of the week.

  5. Use the 🏡 Week 1 - At home Lessonprintable to choose some extra fun activities to help your child further engage with what they learned

What will happen during the week?

 During the week you can expect lesson follow content that will include:

  • follow-up discussion questions, 

  • extra lesson videos, 

  • memory work contests,

  • fun activities

  • and more….maybe. LOL 

Most of this content will be posted on social media, some of it will be available on our RestoreKids blog and in the weekly newsletter. 

My hope is to put content out to help engage your kids in conversations on how to apply what they learned to everyday life and to enhance what they learned on Sunday. Short, fun bursts of  content throughout the week will hopefully feel less burdensome and maybe even enjoyable than one large lesson on Sunday. 

As always I love feedback - even if it’s negative :) 

Kahoot Games:

Lesson Questions Game: HERE - Game PIN: 06159462

Would You Rather Game: HERE - Game PIN: 03039629

Other LInks

Weekly Email Updates: HERE

📝Printable sermon notes for big kids who also watch the sermon: HERE

🏖Boredom Buster Challenge: HERE

RestoreKids YouTube Channel: HERE

Lesson Links:

📺 Week 1- Youtube Playlist

🏡 Week 1 - At home Lesson

Memory Work Video

Monthly Elementary Parent Guide

Monthly PreK Parent Guide

Printable Coloring Page


Kids are faced with challenges every day that require some level of bravery, such as having to step out of their comfort zones, sticking up for someone or something they believe in, or simply being comfortable with and confident of who they are. The Bible stories about David and Esther in this series may seem larger than life at first. How do I relate to someone who was able to take down a giant with a sling? How can I actually do anything when I don’t have any power or authority – both David and Esther were royals! But upon closer inspection, kids will come to realize that David and Esther had God’s help –a lot of it –along the way. Through these stories, kids can discover small ways they can exhibit bravery, because God knows who they are and God can use their gifts. They will also find that a form of bravery is to show others mercy. Their bravery will be put the test with challenges, but God can help overcome those difficulties, and they can rest assured that God has a plan for their lives!

Memory Work Video

📝Printable sermon notes for big kids

If you have older kids at home who are watching the Livestream service with you we HIGHLY recommend using our printable sermon notes to help them stay engaged and follow along. After the service take a few minutes to review the notes page with your child.