COVID 19 Updates


Hello! Welcome!

Thanks for stopping by!

Just because we won’t be able to minister to your children in person for a while, doesn’t mean we have to completely stop ministering to them - and you! Restore Kids ministry may look a little different for a few weeks but we want to let you know that we care about you and your kids and are going to be doing our best to get you resources you can use with your kids at home. 

Before I share a whole bunch of fun links with you, I wanted to share some thoughts . . . 

Children are already receiving messages about the significance of social modifications through their parent/adult anxieties and subtle or explicit displays of it. How we deal with conversations about COVID-19 shares much in common with how we discuss other things that impact our communities—global warming, gun violence, racism, police shootings, etc. In these instances, we recognize the need to inform in a developmentally appropriate matter without sheltering, to caution where necessary, and to keep anxieties from becoming overwhelming for children.

It is important to keep in mind that children don’t have their own anxieties about these things, until we share them.

Angela Compton Nelson is the Minister for Christian Education and youth at Church of the Holy Family (Episcopal) in Chapel Hill, NC 

Depending on the age of your children you may or may not need to tell them what is happening in our world right now. But whether or not you talk to them about it they are going to see/hear/feel how you are responding to it. Caring for your children through this time is also going to mean caring for yourself so that you don’t unintentionally pass on your stress, fear, worry to your kids. 

 I encourage all parents to take to heart what Paul told us.

Philippians 4:8 - Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

It’s so easy to get bogged down with all the negative emotions that come with the situation we’re facing. There are real concerns for our loved ones, our family, our community, our jobs, and the list goes on. And we would be remiss if we DIDN’T plan and take precaution, but we cannot let fear control us!

I would like to encourage each of you to first of all, BE SAFE and follow all CDC guidelines, but to also take this time to connect with family and loved ones. Talk about your blessings. Pray together as a family. Talk about ways to help people who are struggling through this time. Spend time playing with your kids. Get outside. Read books. But please, do anything but sit and worry. 

Each week I’ll send out links for you to use as a family as well as post resources and encouragement on social media. I think it’s important that we still feel connected even if we can’t meet together.  I  will include links to Sunday Lesson Videos, Sunday School lessons you can do as a family at home, online resources for both fun at home and talking to kids about hard things, and more. If YOU find a great resource please let me know so that I can share it with everyone. 

 If you have ANY questions please reach out to me or another member of the Restore Staff!

Love and Blessings and HEALTH to each of you!
