Jesus on the Throne

Dear Parents,

John was on the island of Patmos when he had a vision. Jesus appeared to John and showed him what will happen before the end of time. John wrote about what he saw in the Book of Revelation. John saw a vision of the future. John saw a throne in heaven and the Lord was on the throne.

John saw a scroll in the Lord’s right hand. A mighty angel asked, “Who is worthy to open the scroll?” But no one in heaven was worthy. No one on earth was worthy. No one under the earth was worthy either. 

John began to cry loudly because no one was worthy! Then John saw Jesus, the resurrected Lamb. The elders threw their crowns at His feet. They worshiped Him and sang a new song. John heard every creature, everywhere, worshiping the Lamb together.

Revelation 4:11 says, “Our Lord and God, you are worthy to receive glory and honor and power, because you have created all things, and by your will they exist and were created.”

John’s vision gives us a glimpse of our future and also reminds us of a present reality: The Lord is on His throne. After His death and resurrection, Jesus ascended to heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. (Heb. 10:12)

Jesus, the Lamb of God, is worthy of our praise. All the creatures in John’s vision worshiped Jesus. As you read this Bible story with your kids, hold up Jesus as our treasure who is worthy of all honor. Worship Him together in song.

John cried when he saw that no one was worthy to open the scroll. Then John saw the resurrected Lamb—God’s Son, Jesus. Jesus was killed on the cross so that we could have forgiveness and eternal life. Jesus is worthy. He deserves all praise, honor, and blessing.