Help Us Make Visitors Feel Comfortable
It is rare that a week goes by that we do not have a family visit. WOW! This is so amazing! It means people are learning about what God is doing at Restore. There are a lot of people checking us out and some are coming back week after week.
My goal is to ensure that EVERY child and EVERY visitor to our kids ministry space has the most positive experience possible. Here are some small things you can do when serving that will have a big impact! While they may seem insignificant, they are crucial in making parents and children feel welcome!
When Checking in and Entering your classroom
You don't get a second chance to make a good first impression'. Research has shown that within those initial 7 seconds, people will form 11 impressions of you. This is known as the 7/11 rule. We want visitors’ first impression to be a good one!
Greet & connect with parents - Talk about what you’ll be doing today - Alert them of any changes to routine - Ask a get-to-know-you question
Greet each kid by their name
Take attendance - text Melissa ASAP if you notice something unexpected. Such as a child who you thought checked in but isn’t in the room or a child who is in your room but isn’t supposed to be there.
Ask one question to each kid about their week, favorite color, their school, and family. etc? This helps build relationships with the kids and is a great icebreaker. Even for the smaller kids!
Try to remember & mention one important thing in each kid's life that you talked about previously or maybe know from talking to Mom & Dad.
Leaving Loved AND SAFE
It is very important for safety reasons that children are dismissed in an orderly manner. Even if that means that parents need to wait.
GREET the adult and mention one thing that the child did well.
CHECK the adult’s pick-up take to ensure it matches the child. Hand them their child's take-home papers
CALL the child by name and dismiss them. "Goodbye, Johnny. Thanks for being here. Let me just remove this for you" as you take off their tag (this serves as a visual aid to anyone else that a child with a tag on has escaped!!)
MARK a P on the attendance sheet for PICKED UP.
Fill out the SWOT form.