March 19, 2017 Weekly Newsletter

Dear Parents, 

This weekend are finishing up Unit 19 of the Gospel Project for Kids Curriculum and preparing for our Easter series. We did some fun activities with this unit as we studied Esther and Nehemiah and built some real walls out of clay. Check out a recap of this past weeks lesson as well as some pictures from our lessons below! 

Also, please stop by the check in Kiosk this weekend if you haven't already filled out a form updating your children's information. We are preparing to switch all our member information from The City to Planning Center. It is more user friendly and easier to update. You can leave your completed forms with the person running Check In or hand them directly to Linda Vandenberg. 

Looking forward to celebrating this Easter with your children! 

Christi Mulder


Gospel Project for Kids Lesson Recap

Unit 18, Session 5: Ezra Read the Law

Ezra traveled to Jerusalem with a purpose. God’s people had spent 70 years in exile, and they needed to be reminded how to live. As a scribe, Ezra was an expert on the law of Moses, and he had “determined in his heart to study the law of the Lord, obey it, and teach its statutes and ordinances in Israel” (Ezra 7:10).

Under Nehemiah’s leadership, the people had rebuilt Jerusalem’s walls. They gathered together at the Water Gate to hear the law of Moses. Men, women, and children—anyone who could understand—came to listen to the reading of God’s Word.

From early morning until midday, Ezra read from the book of the law of Moses. He stood on a high wooden platform where everyone could see and hear him. Ezra opened the book of the law, and everyone stood up. The Levites helped the listeners understand the words of the law.

The people reacted strongly to hearing and understanding the law of Moses. Verse 9 says the people were weeping. The law revealed their sin.

God's Word is powerful. When Ezra read God's Word, the people changed their ways and loved God more. The Bible says that Jesus is "the Word." Jesus is God who came to live with people on earth. Jesus has the power to change our hearts.

Help your kids recognize that we cannot meet God’s requirements. We need a Savior. God sent Jesus to obey the law perfectly and die for our sins. We can trust in Him for salvation.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.


Nehemiah and rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem! 

Nehemiah and rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem! 

We are excited to have your children be a part of our ministry! At Restore Kids we do our very best to share Jesus’s love for your children and support you as parents as you help them grow and mature in their faith. This year we are using The Gospel Project for Kids curriculum in our kids ministry. If you have any questions about our kids ministry or curriculum please feel free to contact the Restore Kids Ministry Director at