Seedlings Oct. 6th - Session 1: I Need to Be Forgiven

Session 1: I Need to Be Forgiven

Simple Truth: God Forgives Me

Theme Verse: “I will forgive their wrongdoing.” (Hebrews 8:12a)

Big Deal: 1-2-3! God Forgives Me

Bible Story: The Bronze Snake (Numbers 21:4-9)


In October preschoolers will explore, discover, and have fun learning about forgiveness. Join us as we learn the Big Deal, “1-2-3! God Forgives Me!” Each week we will hear about the incredible love and forgiveness of God. Preschoolers will learn that we all need to be forgiven, we can be forgiven, we can ask for forgiveness, and we can forgive others. 

This week we are teaching the story of the bronze snake from Numbers 21:4-9. In this Bible story, God punished His people for their sin and sent poisonous snakes, but He also provided a way to be forgiven and healed. Preschoolers will learn that we also make wrong choices and need to be forgiven, and God provides the only way we can be forgiven through Jesus.

Have fun this week working as a family on a small craft using recycled items to create a unique piece of art. Just like you are reusing old items to make something new, as a family talk about how we need God’s help to fix our friendship with Him, and when He does, it’s like we’re brand new!

Check out Hyfi At Home for fun family engagement around last week’s Bible story.

Highlight of the Week

Session 1: I Need to Be Forgiven

Read: Numbers 21:4-9

Highlight: Numbers 21:8-9

Reflect: How can you focus on God today and remember that you need to be forgiven?

  1. Read John 3:14-17, where Jesus talks about this Bible story.

  2. Spend time in prayer, confessing sin and asking for forgiveness.

  3. Share with a friend how God has and continues to forgive.

Connect: How do you talk about forgiveness with someone?

Pray: Thank You, God, that You knew I needed to be forgiven and You provided the way to be forgiven through Jesus. This week help me focus on You, confess mistakes and wrongdoings, and ask for Your forgiveness. Amen.

Seedlings: Sept 29. - Simple Truth: God Knows Me

Theme Verse: “The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b)

Session 5: God Values You

Bible Story: Jesus and the Children (Matthew 19:13-15; Mark 10:13-16)


This week is a special Hooray Day, and preschoolers will learn that God values them. In Matthew 19:13-15 and Mark 10:13-16, Jesus showed that He valued children by inviting them to come to Him when others were trying to keep them away. Preschoolers can know that God knows them, values them, and loves them so much. He thinks they’re important and sent Jesus so they can have a friendship with Him.

Invite your preschoolers to draw and color a self-portrait. Tell your preschoolers how valuable and important they are. Let them know that God loves them and thinks they’re valuable too!

Check out Hyfi At Home for fun family engagement around last week’s Bible story.

Highlight of the Week

Session 5: God Values You

Read: Matthew 19:13-15; Mark 10:13-16

Highlight: Mark 10:14

Reflect: How can you show the preschoolers in your life that God values them?

  • A) Pray with them.

  • B) Celebrate the God-given gifts I see in them.

  • C) Invite them to worship God with me.

Pray: God, thank You that You value all people. Thank You for this reminder that You love and value children. Work through me to share Your love with the children in my life.

Connect: As a preschooler, did you feel seen, known, and valued? How can God work through you to show His love and value to the preschoolers in your life?