Our Hands

Psalm 90:16-17 - Let your work be shown to your servants,
    and your glorious power to their children.
Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us,
    and establish the work of our hands upon us;
    yes, establish the work of our hands!

We joked in our staff meeting this week that since all our stuff is in our new building, at 95 Prospect St, and we’ve had our first service that the work is now done. We moved! We did it! However, as anyone who has ever moved knows, the work is just beginning. We have rooms filled to the brim with stuff that needs to be organized and sorted and redivided. Rooms that need to be cleaned or repurposed or (because we’re Restore) have their technology updated.

And this is just the work we need to do inside the building; our real work will be in reaching our friends, neighbors, and community. With the world we’ve all been living in this past year and a half I’d be willing to guess that there are a lot of people who are excited for a fresh start. For many people there has been a shift in priorities or what they want most out of life. This could range from a simple career change to a full life overhaul. 

No matter where we land in this spectrum, we need to remind ourselves to recognize the favor of the Lord that is upon us. Whether your life was interrupted by outside forces or the natural consequences of your own choices, you have the opportunity to start again. As society emerges into a world that is a little different than it was a year and a half ago, we can be a glowing example of God’s glorious power—to your kids, your coworkers, your friends, and if you have them your servants.

The wonderful thing about the Christian faith is that we have and unlimited number times we can try again. We called to try again, to never give up, to let the power of God be established in the work of our hands.

Let’s get to work.