

August 25th 7:30pm - 9:00pm

Hey there Restore Volunteer!!

Our hope is that each child will experience the love of God through the covenant community and will be inspired to understand and live out the gospel. In doing so, we pray that each child will develop a love for God, for God’s Word, for the story of redemption, for the Church, and for the world. 

To equip all of us for our roles this coming year we’ll be having a volunteer brainstorming and planning meeting on

Wednesday, August 25th
from 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

at our new building
95 Prospect St, Midland Park, NJ 07432

This meeting is for any and all volunteers in kids ministry. GEMS, Cadets, Youth, Sunday's ALL you guys!
If you are helping with snacks, logistics, or leading a ministry we'd love to have you there!
We'll be talking about our core values, ministry goals, big dreams, potential trouble spots

If you need help with babysitting please reach out and I'd love to help you find a solution or connect you to some great sitters!