July 4 - BLAST OFF - Week 1


We’re so excited that you stopped over to see what’s happening in kids ministry! Each week we’ll have all information and links you need to stay up-to-date right here in one convenient place.

We have options for you to work through the lesson with your family or set your kids up to watch one of our virtual lessons.

What we’re studying this month



When we think about the Israelites in the wilderness, we often think of it as a time of disappointment, suffering, and promises deferred. What we often forget is that God was there even in the wilderness, reminding the Israelites of God’s goodness and faithfulness. No matter their present circumstances, the people experienced that God was with them, and moved people like Joshua, Caleb, and Rahab to take incredible leaps of faith! Through the amazing accounts of Israel’s journey during that time, your kids will also come to realize that they can: spend time with God anywhere, trust God, take risks for God, and remember what God has done for us.



the JULY Bible Challenge

BIG PRIZE - Fills in Catechism Page and can recite the beginner version of the Q&A

BIG PRIZE - Can recite this month’s memory verse.

ONE STARBURST - Anyone who turns in SERMON NOTES

ONE STARBURST - Anyone who turns in COLORING PAGE (age 6 and under only)

ONE STARBURST AND ONE SMALL PRIZE - Complete the study questions from the lesson

How to Study at Home

  1. Get your Child a snack

  2. Read the Bible Story to your child and/or

  3. Click on the link to the YouTube Playlist for that week and watch the videos.

  4. Review Memory work and Pray with your kids when they are done

  5. If you have time or the desire - choose one of the follow-up activities to help the kids engage with the lesson

Weekly Lesson Plan

Welcome everyone! We are starting a new series called, “Blast Off!” What do you think of when you hear “Blast Off?”  That’s right, we think of things in outer space, like astronauts, planets, and stars!

WHAT? What are we talking about today?

Let's Talk About Astronauts

  • With so many asteroids floating around, outer space sounds like sort of a scary place — but it sounds pretty cool too. Being an astronaut sounds pretty cool to me, but there's one problem — when you're an astronaut, you're really far away from all of your favorite foods!

Let's Talk About Food

  • If you were an astronaut, which Earth food would you miss most?

  • If you were in outer space for a whole year, which person from Earth would you miss most?

  • When you finally came back to Earth after a whole year in space, what kinds of food would you want at your Welcome Home party?

If you were in outer space for a whole year, I bet you'd be excited for way more than just parties and food — you'd be excited to spend time with the people you love!



Why does it matter to God and to us?

BIBLE STORY- Jesus Visits Mary & Martha

Read the Bible story from Luke 10:38-42 together.

Mary and her sister Martha were excited that Jesus was coming to their house for dinner! 

What would you do if someone important and famous was coming to your house?

What would you want to do with your special guest? Play with your toys? Eat your favorite meal? Watch a movie?

Mary  and  Martha  wanted  to  make  Jesus  and  His  friends  feel  welcome.  There  was  so  much  they needed to do to prepare! Martha  got  busy  with  the  cooking  and  cleaning,  but  she  got  annoyed  when  she  realized Mary wasn’t helping at all.

Have  you  ever  been  annoyed  at  someone,  maybe  a  brother,  sister,  or  friend, because they didn’t help you when they were supposed to?

If you have, then you might understand how Martha felt when she complained that Mary wasn’t helping her!  But did Jesus get angry with Mary? Why not?

What did Jesus say was the most important thing to do?

Jesus said Mary was doing the best thing: spending time with Him and learning about God from Him! 

Does that mean we should forget about helping our parents at home, like cleaning up our toys?  No!

But Jesus tells us we need to make time for God. We can spend time with God by going to church, praying, singing worship songs, and having Bible time with our families.

Today's story can teach us something really important about how we can launch our faith in God to new heights. We can spend time with God! Repeat that with me. We can spend time with God!

How can we spend time with God? - Since Jesus isn't here on earth, we can't invite Him over for dinner or sit at His feet like Mary and Martha did. So how can we spend time with God?

We can spend time with God, . . .

    • Talking to God in prayer.

    • Reading the Bible.

    • Singing songs of praise.

    • Coming to church.

Sometimes things that seem really difficult aren't all that impossible at all! It can be difficult to remember to spend time with God, but I know you can do it! Let me tell you how I know. 

  • Can you take a deep breath? Do you feel all of that air filling up your lungs? Now blow it out! Now take another deep breath! Now blow it out!

  • When we love Jesus, God's Spirit fills us just like air filled that straw. When we're filled with God's Spirit, God makes us strong enough to do hard things.

Just like Martha, sometimes it's hard to remember to spend time with God. But God helps us do hard things! So ask God for help!


Psalm 119:105 -  Let's all say the memory verse together: "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path."


Dear God, thank you for showing us that we can spend time with you anywhere. Help us to put aside the other things in our lives for a moment and use that time to talk to you! Amen.


  • Why was Martha angry at Mary in today's story?

  • Why was Jesus happy with how Mary spent her time?

  • How did Jesus want Martha to spend her time?

  • We can't invite Jesus to our house for dinner, but what are some other ways we can spend time with Him?

  • What's one thing that distracts you from spending time with God?

  • What's one way you could spend more time with God this week?