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Study at Home

  1. Get your Child a snack

  2. Read the Bible Story to your child and/or

  3. Click on the link to the YouTube Playlist for that week and watch the videos

    1. BACK THIS MONTH - Lessons each week brought to you by our Childrens Director Melissa. “in person” lessons completes with worship music, videos, games, memory work and more

  4. Review Memory work and Pray with your kids when they are done

  5. If you have time or the desire - choose one of the follow up activities to help the kids engage with the lesson



This week, kids hear about how an angel appeared to Mary and Joseph separately to tell them about the baby Jesus.


THE BIBLE: Jesus is Born: Luke 2:1-7

INSTRUCTIONS: Look up the story in your Bible.

In the days before Jesus was born, a man named Caesar Augustus made a law. His law made it so everyone who lived in Rome had to be placed on a list so they would know the name of everyone who lived there. Everyone was told to go to their hometown to be counted and placed on the list. Joseph, Jesus' dad, was from a city called Bethlehem. He and Mary traveled from the town of Nazareth where they lived to the city of Bethlehem. Bethlehem was also known as the town of David.

  • Mary's baby was almost ready to be born. While Mary and Joseph were in Bethlehem, the time came for Jesus to be born!

  • Mary and Joseph looked all through the town of Bethlehem, but there were no open spots in any inns or hotels for them to stay. A nice farmer told them they could stay in his barn and that Mary could have her baby there. Jesus was born and was wrapped in cloth and placed inside of a manger.

  • The story of Jesus' birth is amazing, isn't it? God planned it from the very beginning. God used Mary and Joseph, two people who loved God very much, to bring Jesus into the world. Jesus' birth is the reason why we celebrate Christmas! It is the "Main Event" in God's plan!

Read:: SCRIPTURE |Isaiah 9:6-7

  • The prophet Isaiah is speaking to a people who have been waiting for years and years for a savior. What they wanted was for someone to make them a powerful kingdom. And even though this Bible passage talks about how the child that to be born will be a mighty ruler, you and I know that we are not actually talking about a kingdom.

  • Jesus came to this earth as a baby so that one day He can die on the cross for the sins of the world. From a humble manger to dying on the cross then rising again and going to heaven. . . that is not something an ordinary person can do! No wonder Isaiah calls Jesus, "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace!"

Toddler ACTIVITY |

INSTRUCTIONS: Wrap a baby doll in a blanket. Pass the doll around so each kid has a chance to hold and rock the baby.

  • Today, we will be hearing a story about an incredible baby being born. Does anyone know who that baby might be? Jesus! That's right! Jesus' birth is so important and is the reason why people celebrate Christmas!

  • That reminds me of our Big Idea for this week: We can celebrate Jesus' birth!


Dear God, we want to celebrate You in this season. Please show us the many different ways we can prepare our hearts for that celebration. Thank You for using Mary and Joseph to teach us the importance of Your birth, and why we should celebrate that.


With the holiday season having just passed by, most kids still have the concept of giving and receiving gifts fresh on their minds. While many, if not all, of the gifts that were unboxed at Christmas will eventually fall into disrepair, gifts given by God will never fade! Through this “Unboxed” series, kids will discover what kinds of gifts those are, starting with the fact that everyone has special gifts! Then they will see how God can use those gifts to help others, among those gifts being special blessings from God, as well. Our gifts help us care about what God cares about, by focusing on heavenly things, and we can trust God with our gifts when we offer it up cheerfully!The Christmas season is filled with many celebrations but Jesus being born is the biggest reason to celebrate! Even though we have heard the story of baby Jesus many times by now, for your youngest kids, it’s still a fairly new story that they usually only hear once a year. Help them feel the wonder and excitement of Christmas each week, in anticipation of the big day! In addition to all the holiday tidings, remind your kids that they can celebrate God’s plan for Jesus’ birth. We can worship Jesus and celebrate because God keeps promises!


Memory Work Video